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Showing posts from September, 2018

The Human Template

Photo By Monique Grobler From my perspective, there is a template to life that every human being on this planet needs to endure and transcend. Regardless of what cultural background you are from, regardless of your colour, creed, or religion: every one of us arrives on this planet to overcome challenges. A sort of obstacle course of emotions if you would prefer to look at it that way. We arrive on this planet in perfection, some with physical challenges and harsh environments, but when we arrive here at birth, we are all whole beings – pure and untainted. As we grow and get further into this human experience, our first experiences of suffering begin when what we want or need is denied to us in some way or another. Be it love, material items, respect, or other human rights, we absorb the experiences that are not in alignment with what feels harmonious as pain and suffering. Not one human has escaped this template of being born whole and pure, and needing to face pain and a...

Manifestation Guide: Put Your Vision In Your Vortex

Photo By: Monique Grobler It's time to talk about the role of ' vision ' in the manifestation process, and introduce you to the concept of your creation vortex for manifestation purposes. We've discussed ' thought ' and ' emotion ' as focused energies involved in the manifestation process, I've explained the importance of choosing quality thoughts which are being directed at your target with precision for manifestation, and also let you know of the importance of performing energy management through your emotions to keep you in a receptive mode for higher vibrational manifestation to come in and land. Become A Visionary When it comes to manifestation, having a vision of the experience you desire is an essential part of the manifestation process. So what is vision ? Well, put simply, it's the action of perceiving the world around us with our ocular intake channels (our eyes). With regards to the manifestation process, 'vision...

Emotion: Your Manifestation Magnet (Manifestation Series)

Next on the list of 'focused' energies involved in the manifestation process is emotion, or e-motion (energy in motion). We're first going to look at the spectrum of emotional frequencies, how to get yourself into a higher frequency from a lower frequency, and what happens when you create shifts within so that you vibrate from the higher emotional frequencies longer and longer each time. It goes without saying that each human on this planet experiences reasonable and rational emotional pain and suffering at one point or another. This post is not to say you shouldn't allow yourself to feel the emotions when shit happens and only strive to live in the 'light'. There is growth through pain, and emotional pain isn't always a punishment, just like emotional pleasure isn't always a reward. For example, grief is natural when a loved one is lost. When looked at from a broader perspective, grief is the process of emotionally detaching and moving on fr...