Photo By: Monique Grobler Regarding The How-To Of Manifestation: We've covered the importance of directing your thoughts toward what you want. We've delved into the roles vision and emotions play in bringing in what you want, and how crucial it is to take action toward what you want. Now let's talk about why faith is one of the pivotal focused energies regarding your ability to get what you want. I read a meme the other day that said “You don't need to believe in magic. You are magic. You need to believe in yourself.” Really, that's all everything in your life boils down to: your belief in yourself, that you have what it takes to get to where you want to be. It's not that other people are more capable or more talented. They believe in themselves and trust that they can accomplish whatever it is they are setting out to do. Furthermore, they believe they are worthy of receiving better for themselves. And so they do. And so do you. It doesn't...