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Showing posts from March, 2019

A Cycle Ends As Another Begins

Wow! What a ride the past six months have been. It's time for one cycle to close, and a new one to begin. With summer here in the southern hemisphere coming to an end, so too does the wild, chaotic, outward exploration of experience this season has been. I knew it was going to be tough, but here I am... six months of non-stop action with one week to go before I head off on vacation to begin my 40th year of life on this crazy blue and green marble in space. This week feels as though it's the grand finale after extreme amounts of energetic pushing, yet flowing at the same time. Does that even make sense? Somehow it does, and in a way I sense balance. I am filled with a multiverse of emotion right now, and not wanting to get sucked into a victim mentality, but rather take a position of an objective witness, I begin to notice the culmination and effect of all that energy spent so relentlessly as I challenged myself to do my best. I have also been keeping tabs open on how...

Be Yourself: You're Medicine For The World

There seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding about what kind of person you need to be when you're on a path of exploration with life and yourself. I've heard this common misconception projected toward me from a number of people when they say things like; "You don't look spiritual ", or "You're not like the others", or "You don't dress like a spiritual person". What does 's piritual ' look like? First of all, I am not 's piritual '. Rather: I am a spirit. And so are you, and every other being on this planet. We occupy a body for the duration of this lifetime. We are here to have a human experience, equipped with all the emotions and hormonal responses that having a human body brings with it. Still, I am not spiritual . I am merely tuned in to the spark of life that is the energetic force for this fleshy vessel I journey this realm in. Some would call it the soul. I am consciousness, and have awareness of wh...

Fun Post: It's 'The Matrix' Appreciation Week!

I decided to do a light and fun post this week. Not everything has to be "serious" all the time... We are allowed having fun with the work we're doing too. This week is ' The Matrix ' Appreciation Week. At least in my universe it is... If you haven't seen 'The Matrix', do yourself a favour and watch it. I watched it the first installment when it originally came out, with no clue of how 'in your face' it was, parading around as a Box Office science-fiction smash hit when in truth it's actual genre is more 'Science-Fact'. That movie premiered on big screens around the world and millions of people flocked to see each installment, and as a young 20-year-old, my friends and I thought 'The Wachowskis' had the most incredible imagination ever for coming up with such a fantastic storyline.  The plot would thicken with each installment of the trilogy and it would just get more and more mindblowing and everyone raved about how ...

Want To Wake The World? Then Wake Yourself

Today, I am writing about how to handle situations you may find yourself in where you cross paths with humans still running unconscious behaviour patterns that affect you negatively, and how to manage and navigate the situation. Typically, most 'still asleep' humans aren't all bad. They're just a little stuck and have not had their own attention brought onto themselves and their behaviour. Others, well, they choose to be dicks. They have had their unconscious unhealthy patterns pointed out to them and just plain old refuse to look at themselves or do any work to be a better human being. Life is all about the outside world to them. Meanwhile, you've 'woken up' and have been embarking on your never-ending journey to expand your consciousness on the inside. You've noticed a marked difference in the way things were done before you woke up, to how things 'could be' done with a higher level of awareness now that you're paying some at...