Photo By Monique Grobler. Spiritual awakenings can take many forms. This is the story of my awakening to higher purpose, and how I found my way to being a blogger and 'influencer'. July marks the one-year anniversary of me blogging and being a committed Instagrammer. I have been reflecting on my journey thus far and let me tell you, inspiration to begin my blog did not come in the usual way at all. You'll be surprised to learn it was not something I planned at all, but rather something spontaneous I stumbled on as life guided me toward it unknowingly. On Track I don't believe we have free will. Well, not from how I've seen my life play out. I believe every choice we make is the choice we're meant to make, and that life is going to manifest whatever lesson we need to learn in whatever format it takes to get us to where we need to be. I believe there are higher level itineraries set, and while the tiny beings we are can revel in the smells, sights, tast...