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Showing posts from June, 2019

Accelerated Awakening Through Another And Claiming Purpose: My Twin Flame Journey

  Photo By Monique Grobler. Spiritual awakenings can take many forms. This is the story of my awakening to higher purpose, and how I found my way to being a blogger and 'influencer'. July marks the one-year anniversary of me blogging and being a committed Instagrammer. I have been reflecting on my journey thus far and let me tell you, inspiration to begin my blog did not come in the usual way at all. You'll be surprised to learn it was not something I planned at all, but rather something spontaneous I stumbled on as life guided me toward it unknowingly.   On Track I don't believe we have free will. Well, not from how I've seen my life play out. I believe every choice we make is the choice we're meant to make, and that life is going to manifest whatever lesson we need to learn in whatever format it takes to get us to where we need to be. I believe there are higher level itineraries set, and while the tiny beings we are can revel in the smells, sights, tast...

Manifestation: Three Mirrors To Use For Shifting Through Life

Photo By: Monique Grobler. Recap We learned some great manifestation lessons in my most recent posts. We established, by looking at modern scientific experiments, that the world is made up of photons of light that reflect and are steered by our emotional state of being. Our emotions steer 'reality' via the electromagnetic qualities of our DNA and heart frequencies, which then influence the world around us. Negative emotions = contracted, low performing DNA, while positive emotions = DNA that is relaxed and thrives. We also discovered we are connected to the field of energy photons make up, that is present in and around all 'matters of being' in this world. Quantum physics has observed this energetic field to have a holographic nature , and has taught us that the outside world is a reflection of our inner state, which the holograph projects as our daily life. Reflection For manifestation, adding this information to our creation toolkit is essential. If th...

Manifestation: The Science Of How Our Emotions Control The World Around Us (And Us!)

Photo By: Monique Grobler Following on from my most recent post regarding manifestation and some not so new conclusive scientific evidence of an energetic field around us that connects us all, in this post I reveal more scientific information that shows us just how much influence us humans have on the world around us. My inspiration for this post came when I discovered ' Missing Links ', a show on, which is a platform hosting over 8000 series and films on consciousness and all the other fascinating stuff. The show's host, Gregg Braden, has spent most of his life bridging the gap between science, spirituality, and the world around us in the most approachable manner. I just had to share with you some of what he shared as it neatly ties together everything about manifestation I've learned over the years. He really grounded the information and took manifestation from the hippy-ville, where it gets a bad rap, to feet firmly planted on the ground b...