Photo By: Monique Grobler How Manifestation Happens From Within There seems to be some confusion about how manifestation works. The general consensus in the 'love and light' circles is that the Universe brings stuff to you. This is not the case, and while I, at an earlier point in my development, believed the same, there are peer-reviewed experiments that have been conducted by the greatest minds on Earth that have proved there's a definite science to manifestation. It's technology available to everyone, regardless of whether you're a hippy/spiritual type. All you need is an open mind, a desire to improve your life, and the will to do what it takes. In previous posts, I reported to you that there is conclusive evidence published in mainstream scientific journals, that have shown human DNA influences the photons our world is made of. Photons are particles of light that make up everything in this world, including us. Using specialised camera equipment, in a room...