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Showing posts from August, 2019

Manifestation: A Dance Between Our Inner Masculine and Feminine

Diving a bit deeper into manifestation this season, I begin our journey introducing the two creative energies available in each one of us. We look at the individual energies, their characteristics, and how the two coming together, well balanced and matured, can result in our outer world reflecting and manifesting the harmony and abundance of our inner relationship between the two aspects of ourselves. While exploring tantra, I came to learn about them through the labels of ' masculine ' and ' feminine '. While masculine energy represents consciousness (awareness), feminine energy represents 'creation'. While I am calling these two energies masculine energy and feminine energy, you could also have heard of them being referred to as yin and yang, creative and logic, left and right brain, and many other labels used to describe the same concept. The one energy is awareness, action and logic based, while the other is creative and emotion based. As with quan...

Find Your Inner Feminine To Align With Manifestation

So I previously mentioned that manifestation is an intricate and well-balanced dance between our inner feminine and inner masculine energies, regardless of what gender body we are each in. Each one of us has masculine and feminine energy available within us for creation purposes. Today, I'm going to explain to you how to manifest using feminine energy. (Before I begin, here's a brief reminder that the underlying current of what I am sharing with you on manifestation is based in science and, more specifically, quantum physics.) The Geeky Stuff It was Albert Einstein who said “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” Further affirming our manifestation potential, is quantum physics, which studies the nature and behaviour of energy and matter on an atomic and subatomic level. Physicists have found that atoms have no 'physical...

Let People Vibrate Out Of Your Reality

I have noticed, that as I level up in vibration in a way that is obvious to me, and I watch the feedback loop reflect my inner changes, people I know who are not on the same frequency as me just aren’t in my life anymore. Some of them I just forget exist and it doesn’t occur to me they’re out of my reality. Others, I’ll send a message to say "hi" and see how they are, and I won’t get a response. On a human level, it's quite douchy, but if we zoom out and see how tiny we are in the big picture, with different frequency realities in play, they just simply are vibrating at a rate that has a gap too wide to even make connection with where we are. Other times, I see how I have been minding my own business and a person I was on perfectly good terms with, pops up onto my phone or into my reality and without anything really going tremendously bad, they get offended and block me (usually after they’ve tried to manipulate me emotionally and I call them out for putting th...

Lessons To Self Love: The Easy Way Or The Hard Way

The year 2015 was the hardest year of my life. I'm telling you this deeply painful story so you can understand, when life squeezes you really tight: You're manifesting the version of the lesson you need in the exact way that is going to be most effective in getting you to learn the fucking lesson.   How tightly life squeezes you is showing you how much resistance you've been having to letting go of self-limiting behaviour and patterns so you can get to the next fruitful phase of your life. Life squeezing you that hard is giving you an opportunity to turn your pain into your own empowerment. If you have pain, there is a way you can empower yourself. IT will all be worth it once its done. The Story Begins: Circa 2014. At this portion of my life story, I had just moved to Cape Town, my own business had failed due to not yet knowing or understanding this city's rhythms, I could not find work, and as a result could not afford to pay for my car or rent. This wen...

Daily Thought: Conscious Contemplations On Suicide

Someone I met and briefly engaged with a handful of times in the conscious community here in Cape Town took her own life a few days ago. While I didn't know her well, news of her opting out of life has brought up several things for my consideration. This woman was 32, just a few years younger than me. She climbed the mountain and lept from a cliff to her death. A helicopter was sent to retrieve her body from the slopes of the mountain. My observations of what it has brought up in me are thus: Leaping off of a cliff at a height great enough to kill you takes and enormous amount of braveness. That she would rather summon that amount of courage and do something as scary as jump off of a cliff instead of continue on with life is huge internal process to move through. The darkness must have been strong for her to opt out at all, let alone in such a spectacularly courageous way. I understand and have great compassion for where she must have been with her relati...