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A Warm Welcome

Welcome to The Vibe and Shine, the space I've created to share what I've learnt about creating and living my best life. The pearls and gifts I share with you here are all accessible within each and every human alive on the planet, and only requires that you open your mind to a new way of doing things than what you've been taught to date.

Regardless of what you've been through, you can live the life you've dreamed of, heal, and live to your full potential.

My main objective: To expand your consciousness.

Tools I use are based in science, with many religions and philosophies sharing the same concepts, and my perspective traversing the spectrum from science through to contemplative philosophy from various ancient traditions. Regardless of what you have chosen as your personal belief system, or who you subscribe to as the figure head or icon of your most potent personal power supply, the insights I am offering work within the respective frameworks. Even if you're not religious at all.

Other tools at my disposal are intuition and shadow work, but the crux of the information I'm transmitting revolve around humans being electromagnetic beings with vibrational frequencies, just like everything else in 'reality'.

The only criteria required to learn through my work is a will for self improvement, and the determination and perseverance to do what it takes to improve yourself as a human. My teachings are a map along your journey. You'll learn commitment to yourself that breaks through outdated, unhealthy templates; self-limiting and self-sabotaging behaviour; and the boundaries of limited consciousness.
In no way do I subscribe to the idea of being a guru. I'm merely a human on my own journey to myself willing to share useful information I've learnt on my path.

Follow me as I walk my talk to live my healthiest, wealthiest, best life, and if you resonate with my perspective, feel free to contact me for personal guidance on your own journey to your most rewarding, enriching, and fulfilling life.

My words are for you if you've started questioning how you're living and wanting more for your life, and from life, for those who are feeling unfulfilled or overwhelmed with life, I'm here to bring to your attention, there's another way to do this crazy thing called life.

I'm not saying it's going to be easy. It's going to require you to be brave enough to look inside yourself and break through the stuff that's holding you back. It's going to require courage to take action and make the changes necessary to live your best life. It's going to require that you have honest conversations with yourself about what is and isn't working for you, and let go of some things.
It's going to take work.

It's not going to be easy, but it will be worth it.

You won't lose anything that isn't real, but you'll gain so much more that is real, rewarding and enriching.

"Responsibility is always the very first step to freedom." -- Osho


If you're drawn to working with me, write me a mail and let me know where you're at with life. How old are you? Where did you grow up? Do you have a cultural heritage?  Are you in some form of relationship? Are you happy? Where does your life feel stagnant? How would you like to improve yourself?
Sessions are one hour long, and can be held via Skype, Whatsapp call, or FaceTime.
I am happy to accommodate the session to work in favour of your time zone.
Please email Nicholette at to set up an appointment.

Instagram: @thevibeandshine
YouTube: The Vibe and Shine



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